Climate & carbon


Climate action is an integral part of our mission to improve outcomes for patients, healthcare providers, and researchers around the world, and it is our responsibility to intensify our actions to further reduce our emissions.
Climate & carbon



We set a goal to reduce operational emissions by 50% by 2030*


We are committed to achieve net zero by 2050


We reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 7% in 2021


Our road to net zero

We take the view that every ton counts and, to achieve our goals, we have focused our operational strategy around three pillars.

Cutting greenhouse gas releases from our facilities

In 2022 we continued carrying out 8-week energy reduction workshops for 40 of our larger sites to develop carbon reduction roadmaps and drive the reductions needed to achieve our goal. Our larger sites develop and report on their carbon reduction roadmaps as part of an annual governance process, and it is our priority to execute the planned reduction projects identified in these roadmaps. We have an internal fund to support carbon reduction projects and during 2021/2022 this mechanism financed projects that we anticipate will reduce our greenhouse gas emissions by over 15,000 metric tons. This fund is continuing to finance reduction projects and we are starting to see the impact, anticipating increased carbon reductions in 2023 as more projects are completed.

Reducing emissions from our fleet

We have a global fleet of over 10,000 vehicles. The largest proportion of these are for our service engineers to carry tools and parts for installation and servicing of hospital equipment. In 2021, we started the process of transitioning vehicles in North America and Europe to electric and hybrid vehicles. We are also exploring other efficiency options to try and reduce the environmental footprint of our fleet, such as servicing equipment remotely. In 2022, we have continued to optimize our vehicle use and extend our transition to electric vehicles as availability of suitable vehicles and recharging infrastructure makes it a viable option. We have reduced greenhouse gas emissions from our fleet around 12% compared with our 2019 baseline.

Shifting to renewable energy sources

Our carbon reduction strategy includes transitioning to renewable energy sources, and we are increasing our purchase of renewable energy. In 2021 we moved all our UK sites onto renewable energy, and in 2022 we are continuing to execute our roadmap to increase renewable energy purchase across all regions.

*versus a 2019 baseline
