The future of molecular imaging is personal
Connecting every step in molecular medicine

PET/CT Products

Nuclear Medicine
Nuclear Medicine Products
Introducing StarGuide, our most advanced SPECT/CT featuring advanced Cadmium Zinc Telluride (CZT) technology.NM/CT 870 CZT
Bring theory to life with CZT NM/CT 870 DR
A leading light in clinical discovery NM/CT 860
The ideal balance of CT performance and clinical capability NM/CT 850
Give every SPECT the perspective of CT
NM 830
Innovation with scalability for growth

PET Radiopharmacy
Over 400 cyclotrons installed worldwide
PET Radiopharmacy Products

MI Digital Solutions
MI Digital Solutions Products

Smart Subscription
- MI systems that keep getting better
- Common capabilities at all your sites
- Facilitate staff training and operations