Bringing threats to light
When it comes to cybersecurity, healthcare is different
Protection from every direction

Clinical security assessment
Clinical security assessment is designed to evaluate the maturity of existing device security programs, as well as help identify system risks and vulnerabilities, and provide analysis and recommendations on policies and procedures.Device discovery
Device discovery provides real-time visibility and helps prevent cybersecurity blind spots by automating device inventory and real-time security management using AI, and helps identify devices on the network and their corresponding security profiles.Remediation execution*
Our security operations center staff and on-site field engineers deliver process and technology integration across functions that gives you better visibility into what’s going on: from corrective maintenance work activities to remediation progress and time to completion.
*Applies only to medical devices under GE Healthcare service contractRemediation recommendations
Our remediation recommendations not only investigate vulnerabilities, they also provide recommendations for compensating controls to help protect assets without having to decommission them, and creates and recommends policies for diverse groups of medical devices based on identities and use.Security event support
Offering support for security events and incidents, our SOC staff and field engineers provide business continuity support for your information technology and information security teams by providing information on malware analytics, observed behavior and/or threat indicators, and remediation actions.Security operations center
At GE Healthcare, our security operations center (SOC) is made up of teams of cybersecurity and medical device experts that help detect, analyze, and respond to cybersecurity threats and events in real-time. We help to provide automated, end-to-end security protection, and incorporate AI tools for greater insights and rapid response times.Vulnerability management
Our sophisticated vulnerability management helps detect and analyze vulnerabilities and supports passive network analysis rather than traditional (more intrusive) IT methods, and translate remediation recommendations into actionable service requests.*
*Applies only to medical devices under GE Healthcare service contract
1 https://www.nist.gov/cyberframework
2 https://www.chicagotribune.com/business/ct-biz-hospital-data-breaches-20190307-story.html
4 https://www.hipaajournal.com/healthcare-data-breach-costs-highest-of-any-industry-at-408-per-record/
5 https://www.healthcaredive.com/news/nearly-300-breaches-last-year-exposed-115m-patient-records-bitglas-says/549296/